door John Cooper | jan 30, 2025 | Air, Consulting, Data, EDI, Events, Expense, Geen onderdeel van een categorie, Ground Transportation, Guide, Hotel, Industry News, Nederlands, Offline, Online, Personal Interest, Rail, Sports, Sustainability, Tips and Tricks, Travel Talks, Travel Tech, USA, Wellbeing
Join our MD of Europe, Dave Bishop, and Group Marketing Director, John Cooper, as they discuss what will influence corporate travel management in 2025. Dave and John also offer a few tips on how to elevate your business travel experience in the year ahead.
door Callum Winterford | nov 18, 2024 | Data, Geen onderdeel van een categorie, Guide, Online, Tips and Tricks, Travel Apps
In business travel, as in other industries, data is more than a synonym for spools of numbers and stuffy graphs. It is a force that can be channelled to identify trends to save you money on fares, pinpoint travel preferences, or help you make more sustainable choices. In this article, we take a look at 6 problems that can be solved by having access to accurate travel data and how you can start using it to optimise your travel programmes.
door Callum Winterford | okt 14, 2024 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie, Guide, Offline, Online, Tips and Tricks
Business travel can be a significant expense for any company, especially for small & medium enterprises (SMEs). Fortunately, there are several strategies SMEs can implement to save money without sacrificing efficiency or the well-being of their travellers. In this article, we identify 7 key areas where SMEs can optimise their business travel budget, book better, and spend smarter.
door Callum Winterford | okt 8, 2024 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie, Guide, Industry News, Nederlands, Online, Travel Tech
We identify and explore the the key findings of the BTA’s recent whitepaper on content fragmentation: the lack of ability to provide consistency in service, data, and content across corporate travel; arisen from challenges and complexities from diverse content sources, formats and multiple distribution channels.
door Web Master | aug 1, 2024 | Air, Consulting, Industry News, Offline, Online, Rail
Starting a full RFP (Request for Proposal) / tender process can be an overwhelming prospect. In this handy ‘how to’ guide, we take you through each element of the RFP process you’ll need to consider, enabling you to partner with a Travel Management Company (TMC) that’s ideal for your business.
door Callum Winterford | jul 16, 2024 | Australia, Geen onderdeel van een categorie, Guide, Online, Travel Apps, Travel Tech, USA
Quality travel technology is one of the key pillars of any travel management company worth its salt. But getting it right isn’t easy. There are dozens of OBTs on the market, each one with its own strengths, weaknesses, functionalities, and ways of working. With so many options, picking the right tool for you and your organisation can be a daunting prospect. In this handy guide to picking the perfect online booking tool, we take an in-depth look at all of the factors you need to consider so that you can rest easy knowing you’ve made the right choice.