door John Cooper | jan 30, 2025 | Air, Consulting, Data, EDI, Events, Expense, Geen onderdeel van een categorie, Ground Transportation, Guide, Hotel, Industry News, Nederlands, Offline, Online, Personal Interest, Rail, Sports, Sustainability, Tips and Tricks, Travel Talks, Travel Tech, USA, Wellbeing
Join our MD of Europe, Dave Bishop, and Group Marketing Director, John Cooper, as they discuss what will influence corporate travel management in 2025. Dave and John also offer a few tips on how to elevate your business travel experience in the year ahead.
door John Cooper | nov 21, 2024 | Australia, Geen onderdeel van een categorie, Industry News, Travel Talks, USA, Wellbeing
In this episode of our popular Travel Talks series, we explore what corporates need to consider as part of their travel programmes and policies, to ensure their efforts are hitting the right mark and not just a tick-box exercise when it comes to EDI. Join our Diversity & Inclusion Manager, Brit Clayton, as she chats with Gray Dawes Travel’s VP of Global Sales, Julian Munsey, about the emotive and often personal topic of equality, diversity and inclusion in business travel management.
door John Cooper | sep 26, 2024 | Australia, Consulting, Expense, Geen onderdeel van een categorie, Guide, Industry News, Tips and Tricks, Travel Talks, USA
In this fascinating Travel Talks episode, our Director of Account Management and Implementation, Ian Currington, and the VP of Sales at Emburse, Paul Crawley, discuss the future of travel & expense strategy (T&E). Discover why companies need to care for what’s coming next in T&E, the benefits it can bring to your employees, and how you can take advantage of having automated control and real-time visibility of your expenses.
door John Cooper | jul 25, 2024 | Australia, Geen onderdeel van een categorie, Hotel, Travel Talks, Travel Tech, USA
How do Expedia’s hotel rates compare to those from a traditional GDS, and what benefits can be passed on to the business traveller? In this special guest edition of Travel Talks, we explore what savings Expedia can offer business travellers on negotiated rates, what they’ve been doing in the luxury hotel space, their roadmap for future innovations of the platform and much more.
door John Cooper | apr 24, 2024 | Australia, Consulting, Geen onderdeel van een categorie, Tips and Tricks, Travel Talks, USA
In this special Marine & Energy episode of Travel Talks, Bruce Ratcliff, VP of Marine & Energy, and Lisa Titmas, our specialist Marine & Energy Travel Team Supervisor, explore the very real benefits of working with a corporate travel partner to help manage the complex challenges of crewing logistics.
door Callum Winterford | feb 23, 2024 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie, Sports, Travel Talks
Get insider tips from our experts in sports travel management. We sat down with the Welsh Sports Association (WSA) to talk about how to best manage travel costs, navigate logistical challenges, and ensure that athletes arrive at their destination ready and raring to compete.