Hello. We’re delighted to be GSMA’s business travel partner!

If you have any questions about how corporate travel works for GSMA, the chances are this landing page has the answers. How do you contact your dedicated team of Travel Consultants? Where do you find the online booking tool? What does NDC mean and how can you benefit from it? Don’t worry. This web page is packed full of useful information, videos, tutorials, links, downloads and more… all designed to allay any uncertainties and teach you all you need to know about your Gray Dawes Travel solution, which includes our GSMA dedicated China travel partner, DTG.

So, grab yourself a coffee and take a good look around. This is what better business travel looks like!

GSMA logo


Contact Details

Your Global Team

Julie Hamstead-Wallis

Julie Hamstead-Wallis

Operations Manager

James Challis

James Challis

Operations Manager

Laura Fairburn

Laura Fairburn

Team Supervisor

Nick Ratford

Nick Ratford

Travel Consultant

Sophie Turner

Sophie Turner

Travel Consultant

Lucie North

Lucie North

Travel Consultant


GSMA’s local team in China

The travel team who speaks your language

Partnering Gray Dawes to provide GSMA with a bespoke, local travel service in China is DTG.

DTG logo

Contact Details

DTG Corporate Travel

  • Yunnan Road No.49, Nanjing 210000,People’s Republic of China
  • 4F,Building A3, No.1528, Gumei Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, 200233 ,People’s Republic of China

  • 55th Floor Golden Eagle International Center, No. 1 Zhujiang Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China

DTG Corporate Travel was established in 2003, belonging to Tongcheng Travel Group, is a one-stop service platform for enterprises. It integrats travel, expense control, OA system, payment, reimbursement in one, committed to helping enterprises achieve corporate consumption compliance transparency, cost reduction and efficiency.

Serina Cheng

Serina Cheng

Account Manager

Hu Zeyuan

Hu Zeyuan

Travel Consultant



Unquestionable and award-winning quality

After more than fifty years as a leader of international travel management, we’ve built an enviable reputation of which we are fiercely proud. Put simply, we deliver a better business travel experience, 24/7.


Our proprietary travel technology is totally flexible and completely tailored to your organisation. We’ve partnered with the market-leaders, Atriis, to create YourTrip – a powerfully versatile yet rewardingly simple booking engine.

Because that’s how it should be.

Whether offline or online, agent managed or client self-service, YourTrip delivers a seamless and content-rich business travel booking experience.




Want to find out more about us? Please take some time to browse through our entire website, not just this landing page. Or you can view or download our brochure .

At Gray Dawes Travel we recognise that we’re not just there to secure the best travel fares, the most innovative itineraries, the slickest online tools or the most experienced consultants. We’re there as an extension of our clients’ own organisations; their out-of-house travel management department.

We achieve this because of the depths we go to in understanding our clients; their culture, their values and their objectives. Only then can we deliver on a higher level, with our trademark emphasis on the personal touch. Only then can we delight with remarkable value, innovation and service.

That’s what we call ‘better’ travel.


HOW TO videos

Step by step guides to your new travel tools

We appreciate that learning a new online booking tool can be a little daunting. Don’t worry, our YourTrip tool is super intuitive and really user friendly, so you’ll be booking your next trip in no time.

Below you’ll find a range of short tutorial videos which will help get you started using YourTrip for booking everything from flights, hotels and rail to ground transportation and car hire.

And did you know that YourTrip is the same system software that your Gray Dawes Travel Team uses, so whether offline or online, agent managed or self-service, YourTrip delivers a seamless and content-rich business travel booking experience.



Here you’ll find a handy range of tutorials for our online booking tool, YourTrip, covering everything from:

  • How to book a flight
  • How to book rail
  • How to book a hotel

… and much more!


new UI

Here you’ll find a handy range of tutorial videos for the latest version of our online booking tool, YourTrip. This UI was launched in 2023.



In the meantime, why not check out our YourTrip Tutorials page for quick start guides and how to video links.

Click HERE


Our informative webinar series covering all things corporate travel.


Find out more about some of our range of fantastic products with these introductory videos.



We don't just specialise in business travel you know.


We're a part of the Gray Dawes Group, an organisation with specialisms and expertise in many sectors. If you need help planning the holiday of your dreams, or showcasing an event that'll never be forgotten, then we've got you covered.


Travel Talks 14 – Expedia
Travel Talks 14 – Expedia

How do Expedia’s hotel rates compare to those from a traditional GDS, and what benefits can be passed on to the business traveller? In this special guest edition of Travel Talks, we explore what savings Expedia can offer business travellers on negotiated rates, what they’ve been doing in the luxury hotel space, their roadmap for future innovations of the platform and much more.

How to Pick the Perfect Online Booking Tool
How to Pick the Perfect Online Booking Tool

Quality travel technology is one of the key pillars of any travel management company worth its salt. But getting it right isn’t easy. There are dozens of OBTs on the market, each one with its own strengths, weaknesses, functionalities, and ways of working. With so many options, picking the right tool for you and your organisation can be a daunting prospect. In this handy guide to picking the perfect online booking tool, we take an in-depth look at all of the factors you need to consider so that you can rest easy knowing you’ve made the right choice.

Vilnius: A Business Traveller’s Guide
Vilnius: A Business Traveller’s Guide

Are you planning on travelling to Vilnius for work? Once referred to as the Rome of the North for its reputation as a stronghold of Catholic values and its architectural beauty, the city is fast becoming a central business hub and a cradle for fledgling startups. Throw in competitive tax rates and a government actively supporting foreign investment, and you’ll see why Vilnius is the worst-kept secret for businesses of all sizes. In this comprehensive guide to Vilnius for business travellers, we delve deeper into navigating the city’s unique corporate landscape, offer our top tips for getting around, and pick out our top 3 things to see or do to make your trip unforgettable.