My Travel Experience

My Travel Experience

Based on his own real-life experience of travelling during the pandemic, Gray Dawes Consulting Manager, Aman Pourkarimi, shares his top tips and advice for those returning to the wonderful world of international travel.

ISO 31030

ISO 31030

ISO 31030, the new Travel Risk Management Standard, provides guidance for organisations on assessing risk factors related to travel and how to develop plans to address and communicate them. Here’s everything you need to know and how we can help.

Adapting to Endemic Covid-19

Adapting to Endemic Covid-19

In the wake of the pandemic, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) have reproduced a fascinating report which highlights a range of opportunities for all stakeholders to collaborate in stimulating growth and aiding business travel’s recovery post Covid-19. We’ve studied the report – so you don’t have to – and present the key findings along with our own recommendations.

Time For Change

Time For Change

The Business Travel Association recently commissioned independent consultants, Nina & Pinter, ​to look at the different relationship models which exist between corporates and TMCs. The result is an insightful paper, the purpose of which is to help support the industry in getting the best from their Travel Management Company RFP process.

Travel Trends

Travel Trends

We tasked Gray Dawes Consulting to look at the impact COVID-19 has had on our client booking behaviour. They discovered the pertinent trends in booking patterns, comparing pre and post pandemic periods, and have provided recommendations that can help shape your travel programme, particularly as 70% of businesses have now restarted booking travel.

Feeling Burnt Out?

Feeling Burnt Out?

Oh, burnout. If you’ve experienced it, you know how crucial it is to avoid it. If you haven’t experienced it yet, you must be new ‘round here. We explore the causes of burnout for busy travel professionals and propose what you can do to get back on your feet.