Credit & Debit Cards Abroad

Credit & Debit Cards Abroad

With sterling in poor shape internationally, British business travellers could mistakenly accept an extremely poor rate of exchange when using credit and debit cards abroad, either when paying for goods or services, or when using ATM machines to withdraw cash.

Aviation Passenger Charter

Aviation Passenger Charter

In the wake of airport passenger caps and flight cancellations, a new ‘Aviation Passenger Charter’, launched by the British government in consultation with travel management companies, aims to protect passengers, by ensuring that they are aware of their rights if they are confronted with issues when travelling.

Top Travel Tips

Top Travel Tips

Did you miss our first Travel Talks webinar on how to build your travellers’ confidence in a post-pandemic and post-Brexit world? Don’t worry, here we present the top tips shared by Operations Manager, Julie Hamstead-Wallis, and Director of Client Development, Gavin Sanderson.

Managing Mental Health

Managing Mental Health

To mark Mental Health Awareness Month, we reached out to TravelHealthPro to help identify the key mental health issues facing business travellers and to offer practical guidance on what they can do to identify and alleviate the symptoms.

How To Control Costs

How To Control Costs

As market prices increase following the global pandemic, we examine what Travel Managers now need to think about and how they can effectively control the cost of business travel. Spoiler alert: it’s not all about content, but also process and booking behaviour.