Gamification Goes Green

Gamification Goes Green

Past efforts to use gamification to nudge corporate travellers into making specific decisions never really took off. But with sustainability top-of-mind for many companies, the concept could be revived as businesses look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint.

High Touch, High Tech

High Touch, High Tech

An exceptional personal service is something that Travel Management Companies have strived for since their inception. With the emergence of machine learning and Artificial Intelligence, we examine how TMCs can continue to deliver a high-touch personal service in an evermore digital world.

YourTrip – Ancillaries

YourTrip – Ancillaries

YourTrip, our powerful online booking tool, offers so much more than just the plane and train services you’re used to. Infact, YourTrip has the capability of handling almost every part of your trip, from booking hotels, car hire, ground transport, EU rail, Amtrak and car parking – all within the app and all compliant to your company’s travel policy.