top tips for software security while working from home

Believe it or not, unscrupulous groups are using the current pandemic as an opportunity to steal personal information and breach company systems, and these threats are on the rise.

Hackers are now pretending to offer COVID-19 information that is filled with malware and we’ve even seen schools’ issues warnings whereby parents have been fooled into handing over their card details believing they’ll receive refunds from cancelled school trips etc. It’s truly scary how creative these bad actors can behave.

There’s also fake industry targeted emails and remote worker email scams doing the rounds. Be careful of anything you don’t recognise and steer clear of surveys and other requests.

If you’re in any doubt about a message you’ve received or have been asked to provide private or sensitive details which you’re unsure about, please direct these to your IT department for validation first.

Keep Your Computer Safe

✅ Never share your work credentials with anybody (usernames and passwords)

✅ Don’t open attachments unless you 100% know the sender, always check its legitimacy first

✅ Never click on links in unknown emails

✅ Check website links for strange typos, added numbers, or anything else that doesn’t seem right

✅ Don’t share sensitive information outside of the organisation

✅ Use strong passwords and don’t use the same ones for multiple

✅ Think about how it’s been shared. Facebook posts, WhatsApp chains, and Tweets can be written and doctored by anyone.